Offers Termination

Life is full of mistakes and we often regret on what we did in the past especially when deciding on taking offers...When we are young, we often missed the chances to grab the best offer..As the human heart gets carried away, we often want the best offers and thus thinking there is a better offer from the previous offers...So...lets see how does a termination of offer works before the offer we have in hand eventually flies awayyYYy.......

Basically, an offer cannot be accepted after it has been terminated. An offer of a bilateral contract can be revoked at any time before it is accepted. The revocation will be effective from the time when it is received by the offeree. In all but exceptional cases it is not possible to revoke an offer of a unilateral contract once the offeree has begun to accept by performing the act requested. An offeree who rejects an offer will not subsequently be able to accept it. If no time limit is stipulated then an offer will remain open for a reasonable time. If no consideration is given for keeping an offer open then it can be revoked at any time, even if the offer was stipulated as being open for a particular time.

In conclusion, it is wise to think properly when we have an offer...Accepting an unsatisfied offer is eventually a pain but Life is about the future and there is no point regretting about the past =) What we are today, are the works of our past...


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